Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The state of the world...

Big topic the state of the world... looking at it from too far screams natural selection... looking at it to close just gives you a headache. So many issues, where to start? Can we start with not starting? Maybe we've been on that step to long... concrete's got our laurels printed into it. Some ask, "What can I do?" others say, "Shit what have I done?". Lets talk about the president... Campaign on fire burning the sword of hope but cold is the water of change. Got a little bogged into the mire of the "truth" of politics. There is no one animal to drive your sword into. To right the wrong of how things are done in DC. You face an army of "well this is the way I was told it works and this is the way I do it". Change means cleaning the wound but so many maggots are feeding of the dead flesh... Maggots have rights to... right? keep the leg rotting and we maggots will to the walking for you. We'll get you what you need... just let us feed. Dirty palace the white house. Freedom is free but free is the enemy of cost and without cost how do we trade sweat for money, blood for product... rot for maggots? Maggots don't know how to stop eating. They produce flys that produce maggots that produce flies that produce... the stink. Maybe he found out "That Truth"... that truth that all presidents found out when they get into office. That truth that made the weaker mind before him turn nihilist. To all be damned to those who know the truth doth carry a message woe. What could that truth be? I think about it sometimes. It has to be something so far out there that at first you'd laugh... ha no way... is this some sort of ceremonial prank pulled on the new guy? Then you'd look around for support in this... none... then the.. well why haven't we done something about... and mid sentence the sick. the hair goes grey on the spot, then someone slaps you on the back "but don't worry you're in control of what the rest of world thinks now". Your mind struggles against what people would say if you just blurted out the truth during a speech... how many would laugh at first thinking it was a joke... what if you prepared pictures? Proof? See world this is the truth! They didn't want me to tell you... then they tell you what would happen to... your family, career, the world if you tell. More sick. Then you see. This is why everyone before you has to backpedal and compromise and "adjust" that campaign message. They weren't just liars and "politicians" they were just people with good ideas... dedication, a sense of loyalty until they found out "That Truth". We are not in control.

Saturday, October 28, 2006


Its been awhile. Not sure why. Not sure why I'm up this freakin' early either. Oh, I have to buy tires for my car. I'm here to tell you that shopping around is worthless... Just go to your nearest ntb or sears and buy the 2nd cheapest tire they have that fits your cars speed rating. They're all the same... For gods sake don't buy no name tires off of some thai dude on ebay... if you feel free to drive to close behind me anytime you want... i need the money.

So, I'm 34. I think thats supposed to suck but I have found that if you act 28 then everyone around you who is your age will behave the same. No one wants to "act" 34. Maybe its the TV. I think they trying to keep us young so we keep buying.... speaking of buying I gotta go get tires. I love you all... I have to call me mom. ;)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Of Hydrogen Cars, Bush and "IN YO' FACE!"

Maybe this is why we are in bed with the Israelis (not thats its neccesarily a bad thing)... Holy shit imagine if Bush was actually fighting the good fight... I don't even want to think about how much "I told you so" bullshit we'd get from some pretty fucking stupid, old, red state people... Ugh just thinking about makes me fuckin scared. I can see Bush now doin some horrid old white man dance and screaming "IN YO' FACE!!"... Chaney rips of his old man mask and its really that fat guy Norm from Cheers. yikes.... Bush gets on the TV and is laughing and saying shit like "oh shit... hahah ya'll though i was the anti-christ and shit... oil? fuck some oil bitch hahaha". You ever been in a play arguement with a friend and he/she starts to loose and they bring up some deep personal shit and everyone starts laughing? Or taking a basketball to the face while a squad of teenage cheerleaders laugh at you... it would be like that... but globally.

Hey here is another link to that same site... They're making a hydrogen car that makes it own fuel.. well kinda. Click Here. Its nice to see that news is coming out of there that doesn't involve people strapped with nail bombs blowing themselves up in shopping plazas... it sucks to see that no one wants to cover it. Have a nice day!


I don't do it anymore... which is pretty damn amazing. I haven't smoked (consistantly) in like 3 months or something like that. Pretty crazy... Zoloft(welbutrin) is the shizzy... works double time on me if your on it and know what i mean... haha he oh... thats so not funny. There have been times I've wanted a cig but then I remember that these damn pills make them taste like inhaling the smoke from burning 10 day old bucket monkey sperm. Not pleasant... not even a little bit... which is cool with me because thats what my lungs think I'm doing when I smoke... yeah they don't like it either. Better living through chemicals...or something to that effect, thats what my old shrink had on his business cards... sweet. Which brings me to my next point... wait i don't have one...oh yeah... fuck smoking... for me I mean. If you're still enjoying it more power to ya. I'm not going to be one of those people who quit smoking and then are all about joining the anti smoking crusades.... fuck that. Every American citizen has the right to poisen his or herself as long as they are deriving some sort of pleasure from it and it doesn't make you loose your job ;) sorry pot smokers... I fuckin hate pot and all the peace through extreme lazyness it promotes... try cocaine... you'll last longer if your shot during the new civil war you patiulli wearing sandle whore... ehhgmm anyways... so yeah I quite smoking. I highly recommend you try it. I'm feeling better already you piece of shit...

My 4 hours in Harlem

So this weekend I went to see a friend out in Harlem... I like saying that I went to Harlem... even if gentrification has transformed most of it... and I do mean most of it... it stil ain't cool for for white folks to roll around some places... hooray for urban sprall... ha. Anyways, so I went to Harlem to see my old buddy Turbo... I got there late because of there only being like 2 pay lanes out of 10 into the Lincoln Tunnel. People from New Jersey don't do EasyPass TM... yeah so back to me going to Harlem and Turbo... so I get there late and Turbs has left the joint I was supposed to meet him at and I don't have his number... I jump into fix it mode and call Trevor and ask him to send a myspace message to Turbo to have him call me. That doesn't work so I call my girlfriend to start complaining. That works.. then I get her to look at the invite in my comments and see if there is a phone number. Nope, no number but there is his t-mobile 2 way thingy email address... she suggests that I text him at this email... I suggest that seeing as she has a full keyboard in front of her that she email him for me... she agrees.... 30 minutes more of sitting in front of a club in Harlem and bam my phone rings and Hooray its Turbo!! He's downtown with his girl at this other club which is more like a deli converted into a club spot... good music but unfortunatly no cold cuts.... I got there like 20 minutes before the club was about to close so at least they didn't make me pay. What was wierd is that all of the overweight black door guys looked familiar.... so yeah then we went to a diner and I stared at some columbian dude's (who oddly enough was dressed like the Captain from The Captain &Taneal) girlfriend whilst talking about the good ol' days of Lo' wear and afterparties and on about how everything fell apart and how some people still couldn't let go... good times. I would just like to add that if you sell drugs eventually you will rob someone and get robbed in retaliation or vice versa... deal with it... no pun intended...hehehe. Oh yeah and don't act too hard because the person who will topple you will have to that much harder. Think of it as an investement in your turn to get robbed. Being a super dick will make you get extra fucked in the end. Hmmm... I am glad that era ended in me never getting I never thought it would be my whole life nor did I take it very seriously so maybe that was my saving grace. That and the fact that I sucked at Ahhh Harlem... it was good to see my old friend and I plan on getting out there again during the day to go buy some shoes and clothes and what have you.

Aside from my visit to Turbo I discovered that NYC had turned into a hipster nightmare... it looked alot like miami actually. Maybe I was in the wrong part of town... The Village, Soho and the Lower East Side are probably the same...(as they have always been i mean) I like those places as opposed to the spikey hair urban outfitter clad norm-show that I saw driving around the clubs by W 14th street near the West Side Highway... I spoke to T about the Roxy and the Octagon... No more Octagon but the Roxy was still open. He says they have a nice rollerskate jam if you're ok with the all gay... which is cool but not cool at the same time. Anyways this post is over. It was good to see my friend and to drive around Harlem and downtown Manhatten at 6am... Next time I am bringing my gf so's there will be no time wasted ;)

Monday, March 20, 2006

Monday's and Ex -Gilrfriends...

Are you busy at work right now? I am not. I am in between projects and it is boring the shit outta me. I have to find something to do for the next 8 hours that resembles work. I'll most likely spend most of my time on myspace looking at people's profiles and wondering why I haven't shot myself. The number one reason being I don't have a gun if you were wondering. Ok.. so lets talk about angry ex-girlfriends... (why? because its funny damn it!) It seems that the ex's that I broke it off with because I cheated seem to get along with me alot better than the one's that I just plain broke it off with. Why is that? You would think it would be the other way around. My theory is this. When you break up with a woman for valid non-compatibilty reasons you leave them with nothing to fire off to their friends about. This "firing off" is a detrimental phase in a woman's break up ritual. Without it there is no "friends feeling sorry for me" period in which they get showered with phone calls and people want to hang out with them to "make them feel better"... and don't forget the guy that wants to "console" them because he knew I was an asshole from the beginning. If you just break up without making yourself the asshole you fuck things up for them... So my advice to you guys out there thinking of ending with your girls' is not to cheat but to say that you cheated at first... let them reap the benefits of you being the bad guy then after about 3 weeks let them know that you really didn't cheat.... they will not believe you of course but at that point who the hell cares. There are other factors as well. When you are the bad guy you give them the opportunity to be "the better person" and forgive you but not "trust"(fuck) you anymore. Also you get a "bad boy" rep and I don't care what anyone says... Girls love that shit. They view it as a challenge... Conquer the bad boy... make him your good boy and you have yourself a husband... thats the logic. Shit ask my girlfriend... she tamed the shit outta me and now I'm got lifetime committment on the brain. What seemed like a torturous hell of one partner for the rest of my life now seems like the best idea I've ever had and I have no idea that it was all her plan from the beginning. ;) Have a good day folks! I'm going to get back to signing my testicles over to my gf. haha. Peas.

PS. Please forgive me... I just quit smoking and I know not what I

Mondays, Sunday 1.5 and $500 Rent increases...

Jesus. Why is it that every day after Sunday is Monday? I think we should lobby for Sunday 1.5. Sunday 1.5 would extend through what is now Monday morning until 11:30am leaving only 4-5 hours to work on the new Monday. The corporation thats failed to acknowledge would be charged 2x the tax rate for every hour worked on Sunday1.5 and/or workers would be paid overtime. Sounds like a sweet deal to me. Oh yeah and it's also been brought to my attention by a couple of friends that rents in DC and VA are fuckin jumping like $500 dollars a month. What the fuck is that all about. I can understand raising the rents as inflation rises but $500 dollars a month all at once? I would be paying 200 dollar shy of double my rent if that happened. Fuck that! is that even legal? Who the hell are they expecting to take that shit without blowing someone's house up? I am not poor or anything but an extra $500 dollars a month and all I would be able to do is sleep and work. Again, FUCK THAT!!! I think its time to contact our congressperson oh wait... we don't have one in DC!! I move for a rent strike.. no one (well at least the people that are getting fucked) should pay their rent for the remainder of there tenancy and bond together with the rest of the tenants and start and escro account and put all of the rent in there and hold it hostage until the building owners stop trying to fuck u. I don't understand... what could possible constitute such an increase... at 500 dollars extra a month you should be getting a fucking jaccuzzi, free cable and a new BMW Z but they aren't offering you shit but hard times and more late fees. Personally I would be considering moving out and on the last day forgeting to take that bowl of kerosine I was cooking off of the stove top... but thats just me... my place is rent controlled so what the fuck do i.... know. Although I did notice that there was a meeting of all of the building owners and the township to try and put an end to the rent control laws in our neighborhood... I guess we'll just have to wait until too many of the middle class a rendered homeless before something happens though. No one seems to notice how important shit is until they can't have it anymore. Oh well... that all i got to say about that. My girlfriend is in town which is unrelated to this topic but still pretty good shit in my book. Keep it real folks and for gods sake you don't have to take it!!!

Smoking is bad... well for me at least.

I will no longer participate. I will no longer adhere. I will no longer obey... I will no longer work, pay rent, watch television, eat steroid fed processed food products, follow fashion, follow trend, follow anyone. I will not bend. I will not conform. I will not awake to an alarm, the need to be someplace, or to be "on time". I will not drive. I will not ride. I will not live in cubes stacked to the sky. I will not lend. I will not borrow. I will denounce the trap called credit. I will not read. I will not write. I will not think about tomorrow. I will not bite the hand that feeds. I will not feed the hand that bites. I will not rule. I will not be ruled. I will not speak. I will not listen. I will not participate. I will not agree. I will not be a part of the whole.... but.... I will stop smoking.

Of DC, The KOT and... Baphomet?

NEW NEWS!!! Ok so I did a little searching and i found out the the York Rite of the mason's inables you to join a group call The Knights of Templar (KOT). Now, the KOT were accussed of heracy by an old french catholic King. They were accused of worshipping a deity called Baphomet. The goat headed god. We've all seen pictures. Now this is where it gets whacky... the figure in the picture of the goat headed god we all thought was satan is not really satan... Baphomet is a totally different dude... deity... god whatever. He of Kaballist desent i do believe but at the time of their (KOT) conviction all graven images other that that of the christian cross were considered "satanic" hence the picture of baphomet we all know and love being "satan". Ok with that said the 5 pointed star upside down is a representation of the goat headed God Baphomet... not satan. The goat head in the upside down star is not satanic just not christian. Baphomet... look him up. Ok... still a little fishy. Yeah me too. Come to find out that the downturned star symbol of satan that those fat loser chicks with the black make-up at the mall are wearing is actually from a 20th century adaptation or misconception in the pseudo wicca witchcraft realm of the the occult we all know and love... you know the one's that think ozzy is the son of the devil.. sweet. The KOT was formed during the crusades i think... in the 18thish century. Christians used to use the 5 pointed star to represent some shit... I'm tired of explaining this... go look it up it's fuckin facinating... it seems the christianity that we know today is actually plagerized material from an earlier religion from the so called "dark ages" or maybe the "dark ages" were the hundreds of years white christians fought white christians over who was holier... gotta love those crusades... i wonder what blood from christian vs christian slaughter is worth on the demonic market? Have a nice day! and look up the old religion... its called, Kabbalah old jewish mystacism from before christ and i do believe before judaism (sp?) pre-12th century.... those who are schooled in this religion are called "the enlightened"... good read if you can find stuff that is non-baised. ANYWAYS.... Hope you have as much fun as I did. Oh here is a picture of Baphomet (not satan... maybe.) Oh yeah, I almost forgot... the KOT were tortured into admitting they were diggy down with the Baphomet so it is possible that none of that shit is true. Also, no one seems to know where the name Baphomet came from exactly some say Kabballah some say the KOT picked it up from Mohamed (or Mohammed in english) from hanging out with some bad ass Moors during the crusades.. so why the upside down star? the mystery continues... Personally I think the dudes were down with Baphy... hence the star. Nothing wrong with a little goat god worship... as long as you don't force it on my kids.... lol. I would also like to add that the Freemasons were the liberals of their time. Peace!

More on the Knights of Templar accusations from the viewpoint of the KOT historians.. Click here mother bitches!!

PS. If white jesus is reading this don't get pissed dude... for real.

Of DC and the Devil...

Hey you never know...
Click the picture for more information.... You know you want too!!

Ok, I need to add that the article linked to the picture i made is a little shakey and some of it is just plain wrong but there are some good observations. Here is a opposing article by a site run by the freemasons... funny thing is they almost prove indirectly that their freemason presidents kept fucking with the plans... anyways here is the link
have fun folks!!!

Monday, February 13, 2006

She asked for a story...

... and I wrote her one. Mind you I wrote this stroy in like 5 minutes.. I think it came out good!
<-- Begin Story -->
damn... ok... well there is a story i do know...
its the story of a boy and a girl...
from different places and lived in 2 more...
they had trouble a bundle but friends by the score.
one day the met in the most unlikely of places.
being so far about and of 2 different races.
hello said he, and hello she replied
and he knew she'd the end of him with one look in her eye..(s)
they continued to speak through odds and thru ends
and one day they decided to be more than friends.
then true to the tale they thought it be great..
if they lived together like as 2 in one state.
as the looked and they tried it all became clear
that they could be together in half of one year.
they squiggled and giggled and squirmed at the thought
they may have to be rid of some things that they'ed bought...
they heard from the others that they were quite strange..
but that didn't matter they'd prepared for the change
and when the day came it went through with out hitch...
and to the naysayers they said, "I'm Rick James Bitch!!"

I love you I love you hahaha I love you... ;)

<-- End Story -->

Thought I'd share that wit' you folks... kinda cute valentiney typa heartfelt ca ca that i write when no one is looking..

Monday's and $500 dollar rent increases...

Jesus. Why is it that every day after Sunday is Monday? I think we should lobby for Sunday 1.5. Sunday 1.5 would extend through what is now Monday morning until 11:30am leaving only 4-5 hours to work on the new Monday. The corporation thats failed to acknowledge would be charged 2x the tax rate for every hour worked on Sunday1.5 and/or workers would be paid overtime. Sounds like a sweet deal to me. Oh yeah and it's also been brought to my attention by a couple of friends that rents in DC and VA are fuckin jumping like $500 dollars a month. What the fuck is that all about. I can understand raising the rents as inflation rises but $500 dollars a month all at once? I would be paying 200 dollar shy of double my rent if that happened. Fuck that! is that even legal? Who the hell are they expecting to take that shit without blowing someone's house up? I am not poor or anything but an extra $500 dollars a month and all I would be able to do is sleep and work. Again, FUCK THAT!!! I think its time to contact our congressperson oh wait... we don't have one in DC!! I move for a rent strike.. no one (well at least the people that are getting fucked) should pay their rent for the remainder of there tenancy and bond together with the rest of the tenants and start and escro account and put all of the rent in there and hold it hostage until the building owners stop trying to fuck u.

I don't understand... what could possible constitute such an increase... at 500 dollars extra a month you should be getting a fucking jaccuzzi, free cable and a new BMW Z but they aren't offering you shit but hard times and more late fees. Personally I would be considering moving out and on the last day forgeting to take that bowl of kerosine I was cooking off of the stove top... but thats just me... my place is rent controlled so what the fuck do i.... know. Although I did notice that there was a meeting of all of the building owners and the township to try and put an end to the rent control laws in our neighborhood... I guess we'll just have to wait until too many of the middle class a rendered homeless before something happens though. No one seems to notice how important shit is until they can't have it anymore.

Oh well... that all i got to say about that. My girlfriend is in town which is unrelated to this topic but still pretty good shit in my book. Keep it real folks and for gods sake you don't have to take it!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Black Aliens and The Prophet Yahweh.. Oh just f*ckin read it...

Ok people I have been watching this guy from Las Vegas who claims that he can summon UFO's on command. An older african american gent who claims that he is a prophet of the true god Yahweh. I get emails on his travels and theories... here is the latest.
If you want to go check him out and see some of the videos of him calling down UFO's you can go here... There are no fees or subscription charges so it's not like it will cost you anything... its great fun. If anyone remembers the Bob Dobb days this is almost as entertaining. I am thinking I will get him to come to DC and summon some UFO's on the Mall or at the elipse behind the White House... If anyone is interested let me know! Ok on to the knowledge dropped by The Prophet Yahweh!!! Rad.

White folks might get a little offended and end up saying something like "I'm Irish this isn't about me." or "They wouldn't give us jobs when we came to america" some shit... deal with it. This is what happens when you allow a race to be enslaved for 400 years. I'm sorry you couldn't find a job and there were no more potatoes to eat in your country. Braveheart was a good movie though... "That was about Scotla*" shut up. YAHWEH Bitch!

Note: It's even more fun if you read it in the voice of Samuel L. Jackson.

Subject: YAHWEH's Racial Agenda - Part 1
From: "Prophet Yahweh" Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2005 21:20:06 -0800 (PST)


Preparing The World For The Invasion Of This Planet By YAHWEH's Superhuman Black Angels And Eternal Black Rulership exposing white people's lies that claim YAHWEH, His Angels, and the master race, out of Adam and Eve, are white


Part 1 - Combating European Art That Falsely Depicts White Supremacy And Black Inferiority In Heaven And On Earth

Dear Lists,

Most of you know that I belief and teach that YAHWEH and His Angels are superhuman black men who live on other planets and travel around the universe in spaceships.

Also, most of you should know that I teach that Adam and Eve were black and black people are the original human bloodline and true master race that all other races come from.

Today, this truth is immediately rejected by white people and blacks.

However, according to my research, before the Christians took over Europe, white people everywhere believed that the Creator, His Angels, and the master race that all humanity came from were black.

But, after the Christians took over Europe, they authorized the creation of paintings that portrayed these entities as white.

They did not stop there; they also authorized the creation of paintings of the devil and his demons being black.

Along with these deceptions, Christian religions leaders began teaching these lies to all generations since then until today, most people on earth believe that YAHWEH, His Angels, Adam and Eve, and the original bloodline that proceeded from them were white when they all were black.

Today, the world is so deceived by these lies, that to suggest that they were black, and not white, would cause you to be hated and despised and possibly killed.

To prove what I said about there being a time when white people believed the Creator and His Angels were black, consider the following reference:


The Anacalypsis - By Godfrey Higgins

Page 138:

Osiris and his Bull were black; all the Gods and Goddesses of Greece were black: at least this was the case with Jupiter, Bacchus, Hercules, Apollo, Ammon.

The Goddesses Venus, Isis, Hecati, Diana, Juno, Metis, Ceres, Cybile, are black. The Multi-mammia is black in the Campidoglio at Rome, and in Montfaucon, Antiquity explained.

On the colour of the Gods of the ancients, and of the identity of them all with the God Sol, and with the Cristna of India, nothing more need be said. The reader has already seen the striking marks of similarity in the history of Cristna and the stories related of Jesus in the Romish and heretical books. He probably will not think that their effect is destroyed, as Mr. Maurice flatters himself, by the word Cristna in the Indian language signifying black, and the God being of that colour, when he is informed, of what Mr. Maurice was probably ignorant, that in all the Romish countries of Europe, in France, Italy, Germany, &c., the God Christ, as well as his mother, are described in their old pictures and statues to be black. The infant God in the arms of his black mother, his eyes and drapery white, is himself perfectly black. ...

There is scarcely an old church in Italy were some remains of the worship of the BLACK VIRGIN and BLACK CHILD are not to be met with. Very often the black figures have given way to white ones, and in these cases the black ones, as being held sacred, were put into retired places in the churches, but were not destroyed, but are yet to be found there. ... They are generally esteemed by the rabble with the most profound veneration.

Page 139:

If the author had wished to invent a circumstance to corroborate the assertion, that the Romish Christ of Europe is the Cristna of India, how could he have desired anything more striking than the fact of the black Virgin and Child being so common in the Romish countries of Europe ? A black virgin and child among the white Germans, Swiss, French, and Italians ! ! !

The Romish Cristna is black in India, black in Europe, and black he must remain�like the ancient gods of Greece, as we have just seen. But, after all, what was he but the Jupiter, the second person of their Trimurti or Trinity, the Logos of Parmenides and Plato, an incarnation or emanation of the solar power ?


Now, consider some of the Christian paintings that portray the Creator and His Angels as white beings and the devil and his demons as black beings.

All these painting portray the white man's version of the biblical scenes concerning the Archangel Michael casting the devil out of heaven to the earth as found in the book of Revelations chapter 12 verses 3-4 and 7-9.


Painting 1

In this picture, the Creator and His Angels are represented by a white Michael, the archangel, who is standing on the chest of the devil who is black with braids in his hair.

If you look closely, this white angel has a scale of racial judgment between the white race and the black race, on earth, with the scale tipped towards and favoring a white Adam and Eve.

This suggests that the first race on earth (the master race) was white, and that black people come from the devil.


Painting 3

Sometimes, the portraying of the devil as black and black people being of the devil was avoided.

And, instead, other black entities took the place of black people and represented them to the white mind.

In this painting, a black snake was used to represent black people.


These pictures not only lie against the Creator and His Angels, but they represent the perpetual hatred of the black races by the white race.

It also reveals their plan to kill off all black people on earth so that all the world is white.

Because of the lies, and paintings that support and document them, when YAHWEH's Angels looks down upon earth, from inside their spaceships, outside the earth, it's clear to them that the world thinks that They and YAHWEH are white when all of Them are black.

The Angel's of YAHWEH also know that because of the earth's racial deceptions about those who dwell in heaven, humanity is expecting white beings to come to the earth and set up YAHWEH's eternal Kingdom.

Because of these lies, one of the main items of "YAHWEH's Racial Agenda" is to destroy the white man's racial deceptions by exposing the truth concerning all races on earth and in heaven and their origination.

Any man, who claims to be of YAHWEH and does not proclaim that YAHWEH and His Angels are superhuman beings, and not spirits, is not truly of YAHWEH.

Also, any man who claims to be of YAHWEH and does not attacks the lies concerning how YAHWEH and His Angels look, what race they are, and what race is really the master race that all other race came from, is not truly of YAHWEH.

Now, you know why the truth about racial originations in heaven and on earth is a dominant part of my ministry on behalf of the extra-terrestrial YAHWEH.

This must be done so all people will know the truth about YAHWEH, His Angels, and themselves.

Yours In The Truth Concerning YAHWEH,

Seer of Yahweh
Master UFO Caller

the end

For unsubcribing our newsletter , Please Click on the link below,

Prophet Yahweh
Master UFO Caller

The Bathroom

Now. The other day I was sitting in the bathroom doing what needs to be done... you know the one that requires sitting. I started thinking as most people do when in this position. I thought... what if... what if a murderer where to come crashing into the bathroom whilst I was in mid push? What would I do? What could I do? What could anyone do? Does the military put out some sort of manual on field shitting? As I see it... normal people have a adverse reaction to smelling other peoples poo so the person that barged in would undoubtably be somewhat insane. I mean you woulod have to be right? Shit stinks. Ok so what your dealing with is a man (or woman) whos so mentally derailed that they have no regard for human fecis much less human life. Maybe he or she LIKES the smell?! Is it safe also to assume that the assailant is no stranger to frontal nudity? I think so. So now we have a weapon wielding, sexually aroused, shit addict barging into a room with only one way in or out. Holding these truths to be self evident we can now build an accurate defense strategy. Here is what you can do as a tax paying peacfully deficating american citizen to stop this growing menace.

First of all!! Be Prepared: your attacker is waiting for you weakess moment! That time when the turtles head is just leaving the shell. A time when pinching off is not an option and pulling back is impossible! My book "Self Defense: Fight First Whipe Later" will teach you proven effective retalitory manouvers such as "one hand whiping", "fecis hand fist" and the most deadly "liquid sword techinque" taught to me by 10th Generation Shoalin Outhouse Chamber Master Wu Pu Shin. With the easy to follow step by step illustrations the movements become as natural as bowel movements. Act now and you will also recieve my DVD for kids "Dirty Daiper Deadly Viper"... and thats about as far as I got... I whiped and rolled out... i would have ended with the liquid sword thing but my session went into overtime if you know what I mean... I would like to add that none of this really happened.. ok maybe once.

Lamont on Katrina... no it's not a porn thing...

Victims or Refugees?

ref·u·gee: One who flees in search of refuge, as in times of war, political oppression, or religious persecution. : an individual seeking refuge or asylum; especially : an individual who has left his or her native country (not state) and is unwilling or unable to return to it because of persecution or fear of persecution (as because of race, religion, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion) n : an exile who flees for safety

1. One who is harmed or killed by another: a victim of a mugging.
2. A living creature slain and offered as a sacrifice during a religious rite.
3. One who is harmed by or made to suffer from an act, circumstance, agency, or condition: victims of war.
4. A person who suffers injury, loss, or death as a result of a voluntary undertaking: You are a victim of your own scheming.
5. A person who is tricked, swindled, or taken advantage of: the victim of a cruel hoax.

Repost with your thoughts below.

Lamont - First the stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance...with that said.
Looters?.. Think of this... You have been standing in toxic water for the last three days in 95 degree weather, the air is thick with the smell of fecis, gasoline and decaying human flesh. Your genitals and feet are starting to itch and burn. You have no food or water. You go to the only place you know that will have clean dry clothes supplies and there are armed men gaurding now unsellable store property. Now imagine you have children. Now imagine you don't know if they are even alive. You are trapped. Now put a gun in your hand. What do u do?

6800 Ultra... and my wallet

Ok... Well its friday and I am at work right?

Right and that sux. I used up all of my vacation days going to Texas (no regrets there) and here I am working with mostly non or soon to be americans (no regrets there either) on the day after Turkey day. I think I will reward myself for not sneaking out of here early by playing games all damn weekend... maybe a movie and the club in there someplace. I was supposed to be running around like a madman with all of my old friends from New Haven but alas i am not. I am at work. You might as well stop reading now because its not going to get anymore interesting than that. Oh I got some shit... I.. well its really not all that interesting now that I think about it. UPS lost a package of mine... thats part of it. The better part is that I bought this comp part from E-bay from this dude ok I payed for the shit through paypal (don't act like you don't know what that is) 3 days pass and the charge comes out of my account then the dude cancels the order and refunds my money... if you've ever had to deal with paypal you know that this refund process takes like 3-4 days. The guy contacts me via email and says that he didn't want to pay the fuckin 8 dollar paypal fee and that I should send him a money order... shadey right? So I tell him lightly to fuck off. I go to see my gf in Texas that weekend after I check my email and the dude has sent me that address to mail the check to and it's in Denton, TX like 10 miles from where me and the gf are.. so i go an meet the dude... I should have known shit was fucked up when he wanted to meet at Walmart. People that know how to build machines know better than to go walmart for anything.. the second tell tale thing was the fact that he drove a fuckin eagle talon only rednecks drive eagle cars.. third tell tale sign the dirty acid washed jeans... when I approached his car there seemed to be dirt flying around inside of it... long story short I looked at the part and it appeared to be ok at least it looked better than he did so I bought it.... as I walked away I heard the voice of Dave Chappell say, "Damn... Lamont is fuckin up!"... SO needless to say, I got it home and it didn't work. I didn't even attempt to contact "pig pen the dirty texan" I promptly found a reliable source and bought another one (note: the "thing" i bought was a $300+ video card I was planning on running alongside of my other matching one in SLi mode.. if you really want to know ask me....) So thats like 600 bucks up in the air. I order my vc from newegg right... trustable.. i've ordered things from them before with no problems... I get the 3 day shipping option... 3rd day comes... no video card... I check the shipping tracker thing and it says its on it's way to my house... I call UPS... they tell me its on it's way to my house... mind you its 11pm... The package is lost... at this point I figure that the computer gods just don't want me to have it... Fuck the gods... I want my shit. In the meantime I registered the broken card I got from pig-pen in TX and sent it back to the manufacturer.. they approved and they are mailing me a new one on Tuesday at the latest... unfortunatly through UPS... if they loose my shit again "Brown" is going down. OK so getting back to pig pen real quick.. if there is anyone in texas who has some styrophoam, gasoline and dogshit to spare i would give you an address and 5 dollars to drop an equal mixture of these elements to a good friend of mine. He likes it when it's mixed well poured into a bottle, set ablaze then thrown through his window. It's cool... we're friends. So anyways UPS looses my package... they couldn't tell me it was lost until 2 days past the delivery date.. They tell me I need to call the sender so that he can file a claim/start an investigation for the missing package. This process takes 7-10 business days... I am making another bottle for UPS...

At work asleep...

I want to take this time to reflect on the days uneventfulness.... I'm sure I spelled that wrong but don't worry.. I hear Flava's vision isn't blurry. I'm running around trying to put out music and I'm running out of time between work, my double vowel commitments and sleeping to make it to work the next day I'm running on a creative construction time of about an hour and a half a day. Sucks. I need more time so if anyone knows the secret of time travels share the damn wealth! My eyeballs feel like they're going to fall out. I need sleep man! Just few minutes... By the way, that Village Emama Shamalalama ding dang movie sucks a camels ass wit my penis pump. I need to get some damn sleep people. Who's got some sleep to give me? I neeeeed dat shit the bed be callin me man!

Great Survey 1

For shitz and gigglez

put an x in th () for each you would do to/for me.

() beat me with a rubber hose filled with sand?
() allow me to use pornography to sodomize my vast imagination?
() have sex with one of my friends after dumping me?
() borrow money and when I ask for it back buy me something that is worth shitloads less to delay your asswhuppin?
() let me kiss your parents... with tongue?
() "watch a movie with me"?..(AKA getting naked during the films intro and missing the rest of it)
() take ME out to dinner then get all pissed when you actually have to pay?
() laugh at the scratch on my new car while riding your bicycle?
() allow me to lick your ass?... (in front of your parents)?
() be my gf and then complain all the time about everything I do?
() have a fling with me and then act like it meant so much more once I start "flinging" it elsewhere?
() buy me a lunch once and then think it makes up for me paying for your broke ass for the last 3 weeks?
() not mind if I spent money on myself instead of buy you dinner for the rest of the week?
() take me home for the night and not be wasted?
() Would you let me sleep in your bed even if meant you had to sleep on the couch?
() not be shocked that I had lube ready for your first anal fuckin?
() not be shocked that the lube had hairs in that didn't match yours?
() give me oral? you fuckin better...
() re-post this for me to answer your questions?
() let me give you a piggy back ride even if you over controlling nature doesn't allow you to have someone else lift your feet off the ground? freak...

I made this from a couple of friends that were doing it...but like seriously. these questions DO NOT pertain to anyone in particular so don't get all offended and shit... it ain't got nuttin to do wit nuttin.... just for shitz and gigglez

Artists... The Corporation Wants You

TO: Artist(s), Creative People(s)
FROM: The Corporation

We have deemed you flawed, broken goods, damaged material. Doomed to a life of replicating reality through a hereditarily flawed perception, your production of squigly lined misconception and poor color to reality rendition in the name of 'art' is now outlawed. No longer will you poison the ever so maluable mind of the masses with your indirect and often condesending depictions of a society built on control and obedience. Two values that will be installed via microchip into each and every one of you. No longer will the well-to-do be forced to purchase peices of useless carved materials or paint slathered canvas. Never again will anything be of more value because it's creator is deceased. The only 'art' allowed will be objects constructed for the sole purpose of information delivery, product distribution-enhancement and/or replication of pre-existing classics*. All 'artists' and 'creative peoples' are to report to their closest Coca Cola bottling factory for sociatal integration seminars, free thought supression chip implementation and gene cleansing planned coupling.

Thank you for you cooperation and may the God specified in the King James Version of the Biblical Text be with you.

PS. Noncompliance is not an option.

*things pre-approved and endorsed by corporate headquarters

Be my friend...

To the rhythm of "Be Our Guest" from Walt Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Imagine animated dancing relative items animated in the disney's trademark "flayling" style. Yes I know it's juvenile but why don't you try letting yourself laugh at it anyways Stiffy McStiff A*s...

Be my Friend.
Be my friend
stick my c*ck
in your rear end
and i'll take you
to the doctor
when your anal tract destends

Be my friend
Be my friend
from your daipers
to Depends
and I'll disconnect
your breather
when they say you will not mend

Be my friend
Be my friend
hmm hm
hmm hmmm
hmm hmm hmm hmm
hmm hmmm hmm hmm la la la

feel free to add on...

-Lamont is bored-

Super Villain

The only things that are real are the here, the now and the grave. You want bring about change? It's time that those of us who fear no tyranny become the tyrannical! Those promised fame to become the infamous! We shall eradicate the grey area between good and evil, show the world the truth in stark contrast and drive this so called civilization back into the stone age. What we call progress is nothing but milk from the teet of the whore of babylon at 49.99 a month. Our so called "fuels" choke the very life out of our 9-to-5 bodies as we drive in mass aggrevation to "educate" our children trod the same path of disposible tripe.. Do we care? NO! We embrace our death machines and turn their deterraformers up full blast. There is nothing more satisfying as the tears of the unborn used to fuel our 8 cylander egos. As they grow up surrounded by "built to last-gone tomorrow" design. Their feet cut by the sharp silvery plastics piles of broken PDA's and out of date cellular technology all built to remind you to recharge them for another day in digital self-worth distortion machine. Who needs doctors when you can diagnose yourself and perscribe your own seditives? What happens when you find out that your ailments are side effects to "work-hard play-is-for-the-lazy" work ethics and eat only what made Jerade skinny food commercials... We need to return to the day where someone thought it wasa good idea to commit genocide against our brothers the native american and try and emply some of their spiritual tactics of social heirachy instead of pushing whats left them on dustballs and feeding them liquid seditives that bare the name of there forefathers... I love friday's..


All of the sudden... once things get super busy... I become a popular guy. Or maybe it's more along the lines that I set up things in a row when one thing isn't working as fast as I want it to then all things start coming to fruition all at once. Hmmmm... Well whatever... I'm a busy man these days. I have a couple of songs that should be pretty good if I could ever actually sit down relaxed and finish them. It takes patience and lately my time constraints haven't allowed for much of that. So maybe thats what this is all about... patience. Most likely the case. With that a very real possibility the solution is simple... wait patiently. Whenever I sit still I get waves of this feeling of missing something... maybe I miss her? or maybe... who knows. I think alot of my past ill feeling toward that situation was just me not liking the fact that I had done wrong and irrepairable damage and it is just as it is listed... irrepairable. Time takes time which brings me back to the patience thing. Other people are busy too, and I understand that....but... no is not a fun word to hear. Even when you can tell the person wants to say yes... The part I don't understand is that I can make time... and double efforts at the zero hour to accomidate for said "made time"... or maybe I do understand and am just in denial of the truth... if someone cannot make time for but can make time for others that means that there are others held in higher regard. This isn't neccecarily a bad thing but the truth of it should not be ignored. Priorities are to be switched to match said time exchange discrepencies so that discomfort from "place in line" reminders can be avoided. This "discomfort" is only a perception and perception is not physical therefore can be molded mentally for rational consumption. This is not denial but exceptance.

001 Close--{thought_deduction.exe}--
002 Scan/Eval All--{place-in-line.dat}>>{place-in-line.dat_eval}
003 Run--{time_prioritymatch.exe}<<{place-in-line.dat_eval}
004 Run On End--{patience_valuepatch001.exe}
005 End

Emotion Commitee

You know when your heart has made a decision but the jury is still out in your brain? The heart doesn't do 'figures' and 'reason' it knows what it wants. The brain needs hard facts, evidence and the pros and cons of said emotional expenditure (things that are hard to come by once the heart has made a decision mind you). What usually happens in my case is the heart starts a coup d'etat (correction by Heater) against the brain... the brain in defense against this coup uses it's stronghold over the the speech function to keep from spilling the wishes of the heart. From the outside this is a confusing set of events... the body is leaned toward the desired and arms and hands making come hither touch and hand gestures whilst the mouth only spews news of the weather and upcoming events... If the body goes to far in it's quest to fufill the wants of the heart the mouth with downplay the action with by projecting doubt verbally at every action... Things like "you like that corney hand on the knee move" will shoot from my lips... or something like that... ugh... i'm stopping now.

Ranting again...

Alot of people like to go on and on about the color of the handle of the handbasket we're all going to hell in but no one wants to talk about the real solution... the cutting off of the hand that is carrying us there. Most of the people that want peace are just to damn "peaceful" to get it. Might may not make right but it is the construct on which we are all built. Our spirits are teathered to this physical world. We are animals and in our animal world only the strong survive regardless of the path of the species or who is right or wrong. Which brings me to my next point... who cares? I now own a 21.3 inch flatscreen monitor, a nice VR6, a checking/savings account, prospective women and a room full of turkish furniture. My corner of the proverbial handbasket fuckin sweet right now so until the Republican SS storm my house and take my shit i'm good... When that happens the code words will be THE CHAIR IS AGAINST THE WALL my sleeping revolutionaries... see ya!

The Dream

So last night I had a dream... Me and some friends were sitting at an exit to a Nordstroms or something at a table that was being used to pass out samples of something. While sitting there a woman approached us. She was wearing a skirt suit and had a stack of cash in her hands. she walked up to the table and asked us if we were selling something for the store. As she asked she took the stack of cash and put it in a paper box on the table and walked away. I thought for a second then looked at the people i was with at the table and they were as confused as I was. I took the lid of the paper box, put it over the money and walked out the door. I walked to the end of the mall parking lot looking for a cab to get me out of there but there wasn't one. At this point I realized I was dreaming but I was still going to try and keep the money as long as possible. The basic paranoia set in. I was looking around to make sure that there wasn;t anyone looking for me. I made my way through a downtown area and eventually made it down into a maze like subway station. I took the train got off a way down the track then took a cab I had to force fabricate in the dream because I couldn't just hail one. By the time the cab dropped me off it was night. I got out of the cab and looked into the box and noticed that some of the cash was missing. I assumed it was from all of the traveling I was doing to get away. I began walking down the dark street and realized I had no place to live in this dream. I noticed a bald white male coming running toward me. As I looked closer I realized he had knife in his hand. Knowing I was dreaming I knew him stabbing me wouldn't make any difference so I fought him and allowed him to stab me a few times just to see if he would just give up when I didn't die... That didn't happen. As I fought one off another would appear. Soon there were about 4 of them. Usually when I know I am dreaming a have the ability to fly. In this dream I could only jump about 10 feet off of the ground and and only sustain flight for about 15-20 feet. I think it was from all of the stabbing. I fought them for about 20 minutes all whilst holding the box under my left arm. I don't think i was fighting as much as just evading the knives. The whole time I could feel the box becoming lighter and lighter. when it felt too light I gave up and stood there while they were stabbing me... not dying or in alot of pain but it definitly wasn't pleasent. I opened the box and it was near empty... then I woke up.